Just So You Think It's Not All Glory
02 January 2014
- Rebooked airline reservations for different date.
- Dug into why a cruise reservation was borked. Oops.
- Refactored some jQuery stuff. Not yet done.
- Used a bunch of graphics tools, finishing with Photoshop, for a site revamp I’m working on. Why is it I want to enhance detail on a photo I’m going to blur into oblivion? Contrary design goals.
- Worked on logo design for same.
- Wrote someone for graphics permissions.
- Finally got the back-and-forth convo that needed to happen about some money stuff. Ugh.
- Had a great idea for something I should have done at Thanksgiving. Anyone have a time machine handy?
- Made a note about #8 for next Thanksgiving. Go, me. (I always feel extra virtuous scheduling things this far in advance.)
- #1 made one item on my ToDo list moot, so I got to cross it off without spending the time to do it. Go, me!
- Finished another half-dozen outstanding items on my ToDo list.
- Wrote some Python code.
- Wrote some Ruby code.
- Wrote on three of my four active book projects. Before noon.
- Looked at ISBN prices. Closed tab. Ugh. (Every indie publisher will understand this one.)
- Made hotel reservations for Loncon3.
- Made sure I had iMovie on my iPad for a workshop I’m going to next week.
- Made appointment for portrait photography. Author photos, y’know.
- Got my T-Mobile iPad account set up to have international data. I hope. FYI, they can convert the account if yours is set up wrong. It just requires someone with root privileges (practically).
- Discovered that, by changing flight dates in #1, that my hotel’s no longer available. ::bangs head on desk::
- Found a new hotel.. It has no stairs.
- …and the reservation wouldn’t attach to my hotels.com account…
- Banged on more Ruby code while on hold listening to the GoGos. Their choice, not mine.
- Turns out the reservation did attach. Bueno.
- Went to Draeger’s (aka “Two Whole Paychecks”) for some groceries. We bought some of their amazingly wonderful mashed potatoes, aka “crack.”
- Dropped the mashed potatoes in the parking lot. Sigh. Yes, onto the asphalt.