Deirdre Saoirse Moen

Sounds Like Weird

Maple Hard, Finger Soft

14 May 2006

I was working on a shaker oval box this weekend when the work slipped, and the knife I was using to define the swallowtails turned, cutting a 3/4″ gash on my left index finger.

I’m very fortunate: one of the guys drove me to the ER (thanks Tom), and I’ll be able to finish my boxes another day (thanks John). Surgeon says I only cut the skin and nothing critical, so five stitches later, I was ready to go home.

I’ve got a splint until Tuesday, which has halved my typing speed, but the splint will keep the wound from opening back up (the injury’s pretty close to a joint).

I blame it all on still being exhausted from the move and less aware than I could have been. I thought I was safe, but I was wrong.

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A Few Moving Tips

12 May 2006

1) Colored packing tape to color-code various rooms. Way easier to see than reading some scribble that may not be legible. Obviously, this may be less useful if you have color blindness.

2) If you have a lot of books, actually buy some boxes of the same size. They will pack much tighter until you unpack them.

3) A suitcase with essentials for a day or two is a wonderful thing. Even though you know where your underwear is, it may not be accessible.

4) Don’t expect to keep track of anything. If it’s important, pack it in a given place and move it first (then don’t put anything in front of that place).

5) Exhaustion is a fact of life, so plan for some post-move downtime. Every one of us has been physically stretched to our endurance limits. I managed to wrench my good hip.

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Moving Sucks

07 May 2006

Not that this will surprise anyone, but moving sucks.

The one good thing about moving is the re-evaluation of what one has vs. what one really wants.

The one bad thing about moving is the time and energy for the re-evaluation of what one has vs. what one really wants.

We should be finished by Monday. I’ll be SO happy when it’s Tuesday.

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SDForum Ruby Conference, day 2

23 April 2006

Chris Wanstrath offers a pretty complete transcription of a very flawed talk by Alex Chaffee. There were some really interesting talks, but one thing I was hoping for in the domain-specific language talk was, you know, an actual example for creating a DSL.

(edited to add)
I have been meaning to write up notes about the conference (rather than just a few criticisms), but I haven’t gotten to it yet. Tonight’s out, so probably tomorrow.

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SDForum's Ruby Conference

22 April 2006

If you’re going to have a technical conference that’s one or two full days, I have two key concepts for you:

1) Power available to everyone.
2) A place for everyone to put their laptop that makes notetaking convenient.

There were these devices invented many thousands of years ago, though it seems novel to this group: tables. Sure, you can’t pack as many people into the room, but people will actually learn more if they’re not fussing about looking for power.

While the chairs are wonderfully comfy, I’d rather have tables and power.

Should you be planning an event, the standard parlance is “classroom seating” rather than “theater seating.” This will cut the capacity of the room approximately in half, but everyone will be a lot happier.

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Now the h2 of Deirdres

21 April 2006

When search engines first came about, I was typically the top ranked Deirdre. However, other Deirdres have become active on the net, so as recently as a few months ago, I was the #4-ranked Deirdre.

I’m currently the #2 rank on Google for Deirdre.

Even though Saoirse is fairly commonly seen without the word Deirdre, nearly all the ranks for both terms together are me (except for some people in Ireland named Deirdre associated with the the newspaper (Saoirse) from Sinn Féin.

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Nasty Little Bugses

13 April 2006

So, it happened that I was doing a rails project where I needed joins in paginate and I wound up discovering something unexpected: came through as the id for one of the join tables.

The way around that is to find_by_sql instead, and to avoid a similar problem, something like:

def self.find_my_foos(for_which_bar)
  find_by_sql("select foos.* from foos, bars where foos.bar_id = and = #{for_which_bar} order by foos.position")

This does have a side effect of not pre-loading the joins correctly, so that may not be the best solution for your case, but it does fix the larger issue.

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Rails, moving stuff from one db to another

07 April 2006

Sometimes, you want ActiveRecord to do all the heavy lifting of data conversion. Plus, then you can use all the stuff you want during the conversion.


Copies stuff from old mysql db to new postgres db, including changing of icky

old int fields to shiny booleans.

require ‘rubygems’
require_gem ‘activerecord’

require ‘../app/models/survey.rb’
require ‘../app/models/topic.rb’

Read database config via YAML

@dbs = YAML::load(“../config/database.yml”)).result)

connect to old db.

curr_db = @dbs[‘production-mysql’]
ActiveRecord::Base.establishconnection(:adapter => currdb[“adapter”],
:database => curr_db[“database”],
:host => curr_db[“host”],
:username => curr_db[“username”],
:password => curr_db[“password”])

read in all the records

@surveys = Survey.find(:all)

close the db


change to postgres db.

curr_db = @dbs[‘production’]
ActiveRecord::Base.establishconnection(:adapter => currdb[“adapter”],
:database => curr_db[“database”],
:host => curr_db[“host”],
:username => curr_db[“username”],
:password => curr_db[“password”])

for survey in @surveys
s = survey.clone

close the db


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Galoot Aspirations, Class 1

01 April 2006

One of the first things you learn in a woodworking handtool class is how to sharpen. Unfortunately, this turns a lot of people off.

Instead, our teacher asks for experienced volunteers, who come in before the class and sharpen some of the school’s planes, then the newbies get to start with a tuned plane. Great idea!

Anyhow, my planes still aren’t sharp, but at least I have the success of having learned to flatten (and having flattened) one side of a board with an already-working plane.

We did lose one student, who decided to go over to a power tools class. He could not understand why anyone would pay the money for a Lie-Nielsen plane (and god forbid he should learn about any of the modern infill planemaker’s prices), nor could he understand why anyone (::cough:: Anant ::cough::) would ship planes that were miserably unflat.

Thus, a lot of the drudgery of getting one’s tools in shape was distinctly unappealing to him. While I sympathize, it’s something you need to do only once, really.

I’m sure I’ll get the shipping grease off the Record planes pretty quickly, though.

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Using a Sessions Table in Ruby on Rails

12 March 2006

A few days ago, I changed the table name of the wrong table (without realizing it, of course). Suddenly, my rails app wouldn’t start at all, and no errors in the development log. Naturally, I had a client demo in less than an hour….

What I’d done is change the name of the sessions table to something other than what was in environment.rb.

So, if you happen to have this problem, that’s one place to look.

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Chloe Wins It

09 March 2006

My mother is a huge fan of Project Runway, despite not really being a fashion afficianado (though she does have a humongous wardrobe).

As a teenager, I took several classes in tailoring because, at that time, there really weren’t as many options for someone large (especially not someone who was just big, not fat).

Anyhow, one of the things I’ve learned over the years of sewing and knitting is that the fit of a shoulder is critical. For example, one of the typical problems of a blouse (or shirt) from today’s ready-to-wear is that if one lifts one’s arms, the sides of the blouse/shirt lifts. This is bad fit.

So, getting back to Project Runway.

Santino has no idea how to make a garment’s shoulders. Therefore, sleeves also elude him. Some people have said they didn’t understand the comments about Santino’s outfits being poorly made (or poorly fitting). Well, go back and look at all the garments he did — and how he (failed to) managed shoulders and/or sleeves. Now, granted, he designs around this limitation, but I’d like to believe that the next Great American Designer could actually make a suit that didn’t require being pinned to another designer. Ugh.

I’m really glad Chloe won. You did good, girl. Some people didn’t like the first dress. I thought it was stunning.

Daniel V. may have a job, since Michael Kors offered one. I’m sure we’ll see more of his work — his white coat was, imho, stunning.

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A Multi-Prong Approach

21 February 2006

Lately, I’ve been taking a yoga class twice a week (though I may take it a third day so I don’t stiffen up quite so much over the weekend).

I first took yoga as a teenager, back when hatha yoga was hatha yoga, and the pronunciations seemed to come from Hindi speakers rather than Tamil speakers.

This quarter, I decided to enroll in a yoga class at foothill. Not only were the poses named with the English (rather than Sanskrit) names, the pronunciation of Sanskrit (even for words like savasana) threw me off.

So, it turns out I’m taking Iyengar, and, while I wasn’t paying attention, it took over as the dominant form of yoga in the U.S. There’s reasons this is a Good Thing, mostly having to do with each of the postures being designed to strengthen and/or flex certain things and precision helping in that regard.

However, right now, Just Doing Anything is quite difficult for me. I’m in even more chronic pain than usual. Yoga teacher will chide me, “You could go deeper.” I respond, “Well, it took me prescription muscle relaxants and pain medication to get even this far, so that’s where I’m going for now.”

The other day, when I was in tears of frustration because there was so much I couldn’t do, one of the instructor’s assistants said that I could go do Child’s Pose if I wanted. I pointed out that I can’t even do that without a supporting bolster (which, since this class isn’t in a yoga studio, I didn’t have access to). Fortunately, I’m now starting a restorative class in a yoga studio. Yay.

I’ve discovered that my weak spots weren’t the ones that I’d thought were weak — sure those were too, but they weren’t the primary problem areas.

The harder part, though, is that I hurt more (on average) than I did before — and expect to do so for some time. That’s the nasty part about working through chronic pain (and fibromyalgia in particular). In fact, that’s why I’m up writing this at 4:45 a.m. — I haven’t been able to sleep yet.

Anyhow, one of my problem areas has turned out to be weakness in the muscles on the top of the feet, which frequently hurt after yoga.

I believe I’ve mentioned before that a friend of a friend runs a site called, and he has mentioned help achieved with the detox foot pads.

Well, I’ve discovered something: these also work particularly well for sore shoulders and sore tops of feet. There’s a few other places they work well, mostly where the ache is very close to the skin’s surface. For example, I’ve found them helpful when my knuckles hurt, or when my mousing hand gets a knot in my forearm. I use gold for the bottoms of my feet and blue for everywhere else.

To put this in perspective, when my primary pain is in one of these places, using the pads can cut the quantity of analgesics I need by 1/3 to 1/2 plus make me feel just a bit better overall. At first, I wondered if this were simply placebo effect, but that would have worn off in three months, and I’ve been using the pads for six.

Unfortunately, today I’m out, so my shoulders hurt and my feet hurt.

I should have more in a couple days, though….

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T. Sue, Thought Two

31 January 2006

One of the things that surprised me about Sue was that she had only two fingers, not the three I remember T. Rex having. In part, this is due to finding more complete skeletons over the years.

But to see an animal that large, with arms literally the size of human arms (yes, really), and two long claws at the end of the hands. Just two.

And, so help me, maybe it’s where I had a side trip in 2002 when I visited South Dakota, but all I could think of was corn forks.

T. Rex arms aren’t really long enough (especially given the head size and angle) to hold something to eat, so the only other thing I could think of was sort of impaling something edible onto a tree so one could eat the part above the point of impalement.

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