Knitter's Geek Code
30 June 2004
Sounds Like Weird
30 June 2004
29 June 2004
I’ve been on a hunt for the perfect camera bag. My old one is too small for the new camera. So far, the one I like best is RoadWarrior’s The Pod, but I’m not especially fond of its price. Nevertheless, it’s my favorite.
29 June 2004
On Thursday, I’m going to be driving (with a couple of other people, fortunately) to Westercon, where I’ll be on a few panels. It’ll be great to see some of the old crowd!
Tarot Reading
What If It Was Really True?
Harry Potter-What’s the Big Deal?
Developing a Computer Website
28 June 2004
Well, many have talked about their favorite phrases of power, some of them supposedly magical.
Quite by accident, I discovered one in late 1999, when someone threatened to sue me. Fortunately, I knew that I was in the right. I replied, coolly, “Well, discovery should prove interesting.”
It was pretty amazing how quickly the other party backpedaled.
And so, lo, my mother needed use of this Phrase of Power this morning, when her former employer had raked her over the coals and she needed a letter from them. They refused. Knowing they were protecting someone who was an HR nightmare, she hauled it out.
Now, magically, she has the letter. Isn’t that great?
Use it wisely.
28 June 2004
Not as funny or as lengthy as Diana Wynne Jones’s (sadly out of print) Tough Guide to Fantasyland, but funny nonetheless.
26 June 2004
Finally available for pre-order. Go, us!
While it’s always a great crowd of authors, I’m really looking forward to Cassandra Claire’s “Girl’s Guide to Defeating the Dark Lord.” Plus all the other stories. Go, us!
Here’s the book cover:
26 June 2004
Stayed up too damn late last night, but got a lot accomplished. Only one ToDo item finished: corrected galleys for “A Sword Called Rhonda.” Only one errant comma.
Went to Sveadal for their annual midsummer festival, my one token to being Swedish each year. We didn’t stay super-long, but had fun. I got some good photos (or so they looked in my viewfinder). I may post them later.
25 June 2004
25 June 2004
Oh, my DME (that’s durable medical equipment provider, for all of you healthy people) has repeatedly refused to get a clue, despite a few after-hours phone calls, that I still have medical coverage to cover my CPAP machine (for sleep apnea). There was a gap that was covered retroactively due to my change in jobs, but they just haven’t gotten their pointy little brains around that. So, they show up. To my house. To get something that they’re owed, oh, about $100 for. Remind me never to give them ANY business again.
25 June 2004
24 June 2004
I don’t really know how well this is going to work, but it’d be cool to have some off-line way of working on my blog.
23 June 2004
Rick has been laughing himself silly reading Eats, Shoots and Leaves.
Dive Into Mark has a wonderful rant about seeing puncutation in a whole new light after reading the book.
22 June 2004
My submissions tracker got rather crufty and I spent a couple of hours spiffing it up to make it easier for me to see what was out, what needed to get sent out (or revised), and what needed work. In other words, a ToDo list of sorts. When I’m done with it all, the next step is to incorporate some of it into my blog.
22 June 2004
My printers have always had names.
The big Lexmark Optra M412 (my only laser printer) is lexx.
The smaller Lexmark X83 all-in-one is luthor.
The huge HP-9300 tabloid printer is brutus.
I have to admit that I am sorely tempted to call my Canon i80 pachelbel. It’s such a small printer, it seems too long a name. Yet nothing else has quite spoken.
21 June 2004