But first, new blog theme on deirdre.net! I just changed it late last night, so I haven’t lived with everything quite long enough to figure out what I want to change. I need to do some work on the covers on the front page (to make them all the same size and work better within the theme).
Computers & Technology
Writing & Publishing
- How Long Is the Average Book? Also includes relative frequency of POV (1st/3rd), broken by genre. No 2nd breakdown, though that number is probably vanishingly small.
- Considering self-publishing? Out:think group has some really interesting stuff, much of it free. Hearing Tim talk about why he thinks some people’s Facebook and Twitter strategies don’t work is a breath of fresh air. Basically: the real strategy is to have a mailing list.
- SFWA thing post from N. K. Jemisin. “But you don’t get to claim marginalization when you’re at the center of a thing.” If you’re tired of the SFWA train wreck, then just stick with that one pull quote.
- The semicolon’s breezy punctuality.
- Andrew O’Hagan on ghostwriting for Julian Assange. “It was exciting to think, in that very Jane Austen kind of house, that no novel had ever captured this new kind of history, where military lies on a global scale were revealed by a bunch of sleepy amateurs two foot from an Aga.” Note that this piece is 25,000 words, but it really does explain who Assange is. “I’ve never been with anybody who made me feel so like an adult. And I say that as the father of a ten-year-old.”
Science, Health, & Things Like That
Miscellaneous Humor
I’ve been meaning to do a link-salad type post for a long time, and I just never came up with a catchy name for it. So: problem solved. I’m going to post this once a week.
I’ll just put in the links I found interesting or funny or whatever, and I’ll try to keep away from the rage-inducing stuff.
Computers & Technology
Writing & Publishing
- If you’re a writer, and you want to know the difference between “show” don’t “tell,” the NBC Olympics coverage is NOTHING but tell.
- Last SFWA mention of the night and why you should join: Cory Doctorow’s “In praise of SFWA’s Grievance Committee”
- Courtney Milan: Some Thoughts on Author Earnings Courtney doesn’t blog much, but, when she does, it’s amazing. See this post on historical romance print sales, complete with Harlequin royalty statements.
- “For best results, your image should be 900 DPI and no larger than 1 MB.” Sigh. #cantmakethatoneup (me, about p. 19 of the Kobo User’s Guide)
- Women Destroy Science Fiction funds big time! $53,136 pledged of $5,000 goal
Science, Health, and Things Like That
Miscellaneous Humor