The Lord's Prayer in the (Original) Klingon
24 July 2004
There’s a lot of Klingons out there. This cafepress shop may help them with their prayers.
Sounds Like Weird
24 July 2004
There’s a lot of Klingons out there. This cafepress shop may help them with their prayers.
24 July 2004
I’ve started transcribing them. It’s amazing how much of it I already remembered, but there are some gems that didn’t make it onto the t-shirt. Ah, I love this stuff.
23 July 2004
23 July 2004
I went through a fairly long dry spell for a couple of years where I did very little development. I seem to be on a roll now, with eight projects up my sleeve.
For me, Cocoa has been a technology in search of a problem: quite literally, every problem I seemed to have needed another kind of solution, in part because I’m a database person and there wasn’t really a good, free, database wrapper solution. Well, I think I finally found the correct hammer and nail. So, I’ll be reworking my WO app (mssTracker) to Cocoa. Yay. I’ll also be releasing the WO application into the wild.
One my pending projects was to update the code for BALE, which previously had a doctype of HTML 2.0 (!). A couple of years ago, I changed it over from a hand-maintained HTML to a LAMP application. I’m not sure if anyone had ever run it through a validator, but when I first changed its doctype to 4.01 transitional, I got 261 validation errors. And then the fun began. It now has minimal CSS (yes, I know it needs more, stop already). And it validates. So I’ve ticked a couple items off the ToDo list, but have several more for bale. But it’s certainly not the only project in the works.
22 July 2004
After using ActionItems for a few days, here are my thoughts:
The blurb says “ActionItems™ continuously saves your information as you enter it. Go to “Preferences/Data File” to specify the frequency. ActionItems™ also performs an “AutoSave” on your data file upon closing the program.”
You know what? It doesn’t. Too many times, I’ve lost information that I entered half an hour ago, even though my save interval is set to 10 minutes.
The other thing is that there’s no way to see ALL your own tasks, nor are the days that tasks were assigned highlighted. So it’s not easy to get an overview that’s not project-by-project.
This is really a 1.0 release, even though it says 2.0, so I’m willing to give it a bit of leeway. Then again, I’m using a demo. Would I buy it with these limitations? Umm, no.
But the single thing I’d like most, even more than better reports? Subprojects!
22 July 2004
I couldn’t read this article on BoingBoing without seeing the incredibly funny job interview scene in The Full Monty.
I think I’m going to watch that one again in the next couple of days.
21 July 2004
So it turns out that if you die at home and aren’t on a priority for an autopsy, it can take 2-6 months (!) to get the lab results for your cause of death.
Why does this matter? Because insurance won’t pay out until a cause of death is determined. At least, in the case of one of the people I know who died recently, this is the issue. It doesn’t even matter if it’s “heart attack or stroke,” insurance companies need to know specifics.
I can’t really blame them, but then the point becomes: should you drop dead suddenly, have some way of supporting your family in the meantime that doesn’t rely on insurance or probate, both of which can be quite slow.
Now, for my late husband, who died in a hospital (and had organ donations pending on being declared properly dead), I was able to pick up his death certificate within two weeks. Had he had insurance, it would have paid out very quickly thereafter. But, I find out, that’s not necessarily the norm.
This has been a Public Service Announcement.
21 July 2004
Yeah, sure, of course you can just store the files, but it’s never a bad idea to keep a paper copy of a book. Right?
In fact, due to various file format conversion issues plus the problems of way too many moves, my old paper copy of my very first novel (circa 1988) is the only copy I still have.
So, I’ve been looking for good (and reasonably affordable) storage for a novel. Now, I *do* recommend that you put in a copy of a CD with the electronic text on it, in whatever format you like plus one other (like RTF).
Today’s email offered sale info from The Container Store, which has some really spiff solutions. Here they are:
20 July 2004
I haven’t really been able to use any PIM to get organized, much to my chagrin (especially since I wrote features for one).
On the Apple site, I saw a link to ActionItems, which seems pretty spiffy. It’s more complex than I need (really!), but it seems like perfect manager software. They offer a free 30-day trial.
When all was said and done, I had two conventions, six software engineering projects, and more writing projects than I care to admit to.
Yeesh, no wonder my brain was full!
Anyhow, I don’t know how it’ll work out for the long term, but I’m going to try it out for another three weeks before making any commitment to it.
While the software does export, it doesn’t export to any XML format (I’d especially be interested in OPML import/export, as that would make me able to import data from OmniOutliner without too much pain).
19 July 2004
PNH’s catchup post reminds me that I haven’t commented on Martha Stewart’s sentence. Sorry, I think she should have been fined a lot more and had more jail time. My first quip was 3 mil and three years, though, in retrospect, 3 mil and 1 year sounds more appropriate, given our tendency to just throw people in jail.
Frankly, I know of people who weren’t stockbrokers before who were slapped much harder, relatively speaking. There needed to be more of a message sent. Then again, this is a republican administration that hasn’t exactly had the highest moral ground on such issues. ::sigh::
17 July 2004
Writing-goals-wise, that is.
Well, a few hiccups along the road.
Got one story out, not two.
Got the paper into the right hands, though it’s not fully done yet (the conference is now saying that they’re due August 1).
And I’m working on a new short story and thinking about what I need to accomplish with this novel.
16 July 2004
Unfortunately, the marriage “debate” has been heating up. This blog entry from John Scalzi has the most coherent comments on it. I’d already considered the argument, but not the rhetorical stance.
So it’s pretty simple: If you actually want to defend marriage, you have defend all the legal marriages, and that includes the ones with two men in them, and the ones with two women. Otherwise you’re explicitly saying that the government has the right to void any marriage of any couple, so long as two-thirds of the House, Senate and states go along. Who wants to be the first to sign up for that?
15 July 2004
15 July 2004
15 July 2004
I managed to book my tickets, make my hotel reservations, and am generally excited as an eager puppy. Oh, yes, and mailed my tuition off.
I still have one item I need to work out: how to get from Boston to Martha’s Vineyard — whether I want to take a bus service (cheaper) or a limo service (more customized to my arrival/departure times). Maybe there’s someone to share with.
There’s four of us coming from California (unusual) and one from Italy. Viable Paradise is finally starting to pull more people in!