Deirdre Saoirse Moen

Sounds Like Weird

Archive of year Posts

The End of the Northern Lights

31 December 2005

Retailer 2.0

23 December 2005

The Year in Brief

23 December 2005

Inflections, Again

23 December 2005

Microsoft Announces the Abandonment

18 December 2005

In the Airport Again

17 December 2005

Acts as Chunky Bacon

13 December 2005

Hotel Rooms

08 December 2005

Fun with Subversion

05 December 2005

The Clearing of the Decks

04 December 2005


02 December 2005

Loscon, the Rest

02 December 2005

Loscon, the Arrival

25 November 2005

Commit Message Contest

23 November 2005

Thanksgiving Dinner

22 November 2005

TextParty and Ouch

19 November 2005

The Power of Grief

15 November 2005


15 November 2005

IRS Threatens Church's Status

07 November 2005

Super Happy Dev House 5

06 November 2005

Internet Quizzes

06 November 2005

Where I'll be Nov 5

04 November 2005

Women: the Technology Bell(e)wether

01 November 2005

Validating Markup in Functional Tests

01 November 2005


29 October 2005

Why I love TextDrive

25 October 2005

Getting in the Zone

24 October 2005

Deirdre's Gluten-Free Flour Mix

22 October 2005

Be Dope Blast from the Past

20 October 2005

Problems of Outsourcing, Specifically India

18 October 2005

SubEthaEdit and Conference Notes

16 October 2005

Rails 1.0 Session

16 October 2005


15 October 2005

A Good Set of Tips about Rails Deployment

14 October 2005

Don't Go All 37Signals On Me

13 October 2005


10 October 2005

Java is Aristocratic; Ruby is Democratic

10 October 2005

Kepler's Reopening

08 October 2005

Mint Results, Month 1

07 October 2005

New AJAX Beta Book

06 October 2005

Test Fixtures/YAML tip

05 October 2005

Kepler's Reopening

03 October 2005

Happy 10th Anniversary BeBox

03 October 2005

I Love Programmers Sometimes

01 October 2005

A Week of Migration Woes

30 September 2005

"Yes, I've read a poem. Try not to faint."

29 September 2005

OmniGraffle and EOModeler

28 September 2005


28 September 2005

Ugly UI Experience

23 September 2005

Sig line of the Day

21 September 2005

WOW Web Design and Project Management Conference

19 September 2005

Lost Wins

18 September 2005

Our Not-so-Secret Project

13 September 2005

BarCamp People in NO

11 September 2005

A Better Insight

07 September 2005

An Insight into the Non-Evacuees

04 September 2005

A Couple Rays of Hope

03 September 2005

Saturday in Marin

03 September 2005

Ruby on Rails Humor

02 September 2005

Katrina, Some Photos

02 September 2005


31 August 2005

Kepler's, RIP

31 August 2005

Last Day at Quova

30 August 2005


28 August 2005

Ruby Geek BBQ

28 August 2005

Too. Much. Time.

27 August 2005

Rails and Pluralization, Part II

27 August 2005

Rails and Pluralization

25 August 2005

Thirty Years of Development

21 August 2005


17 August 2005

Spoiled by Backpack

16 August 2005


16 August 2005

Linux Picnic

14 August 2005

Deirdre Receives Followup Email

10 August 2005

Glasgow: Rick's Departure

10 August 2005

Glasgow, the Departure

09 August 2005

Glasgow, Sunday

09 August 2005

Glasgow, Saturday

09 August 2005

Glasgow: Friday, An Unintended Trip to Edinburgh

06 August 2005

Glasgow, Thursday

06 August 2005

Glasgow, the Arrival

04 August 2005

Mail Update

03 August 2005

A Tiger Showstopper

02 August 2005

Leave the Catapult at Home

01 August 2005

Prepping for Glasgow

30 July 2005

Blinksale, a Snarf

28 July 2005


26 July 2005

Fussing around

25 July 2005

Defensive Design for the Web

24 July 2005

Tired, tired, tired

24 July 2005

A Bit on David Allen

23 July 2005

UI Problem

19 July 2005

Tiger, at last!

16 July 2005

Skateboarding the Wall

11 July 2005

These Shoes Are Made For…?

10 July 2005

Risk Management Associates files for Bankruptcy

09 July 2005

Postgres, ugh

08 July 2005

London pic

07 July 2005

Rails Update

06 July 2005

Westercon in Brief

03 July 2005

Eye Ouch

29 June 2005

Westercon Schedule

28 June 2005

Visited States and European Countries

27 June 2005

Midsommar, 43 Things

24 June 2005


24 June 2005

Hang Your Bird Feeder High

23 June 2005

A Point of Clarification

23 June 2005

Sexism and the Linux Community

22 June 2005

Typography humor

22 June 2005


20 June 2005

Caught with my Ribbons

19 June 2005

Seton Hill

19 June 2005

Mod Rewrite and WP

19 June 2005


19 June 2005

Small Universe

18 June 2005


17 June 2005

Mom's Comment About Geeks

15 June 2005

Ahh, Torment

15 June 2005

Ruby on Rails Hype

14 June 2005

Submissions Migration: Day Two Point Five

13 June 2005

Intel Instead

13 June 2005

BayCon, Sunday and Monday

12 June 2005

Mysql's back

12 June 2005

Server Upgrade Status

12 June 2005

I Heard a Yowl

10 June 2005

Rails and Stylesheet Links

10 June 2005

More About FM

10 June 2005


09 June 2005

Rails Day

07 June 2005


04 June 2005

Still Tired, But Moved

03 June 2005

Feeds Fixed

30 May 2005

BayCon, Saturday

30 May 2005

BayCon, Friday

30 May 2005

Alias season closer

25 May 2005

Gmail outages

24 May 2005

Feed's broken

24 May 2005

That Music Baton

21 May 2005

Books in their Natural Environment

21 May 2005

Ruby on Rails: First Glance

16 May 2005

Python for the Series 60

16 May 2005


16 May 2005

Veronica Mars

13 May 2005

Ruby on Rails: Thoughts by a Former Python Fanatic

13 May 2005

Some Random Thoughts on Zonulin

12 March 2005

Now it Can Be Told

01 March 2005

Mac Mini Bag

16 February 2005

Waterfield bags

10 February 2005

Have a Heart!

29 January 2005